is the preferred k8s client used to interact with k8s objects. By default the kubectl client interacts with the cluster kubeconfig specified in the KUBECONFIG
environment variable file location or explicitly specify kubeconfig using the --kubeconfig <KUBE_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION>
For easier and faster working with kubectl
, create an alias, so that we don’t have to write the whole thing again
alias k='kubectl' # add to .bashrc or .zshrc
# Usage:
k get pods # instead of `kubectl get pods`
Structure of Command
kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] [flags]
kubectl logs nginx-nxs1a -n test
# Command => create, get, describe, delete, run etc
# Type => configmaps, events, namespaces, nodes etc
# name => name of the k8s resource
# flags => additional flags for the kubectl i.e
Detailed kubectl docs can be found in the link
k8s Object types/resources
available k8s objects/resource can be fetched using the command kubectl api-resources
Most commonly used ones are:
- configmaps / cm
- endpoints / ep
- events / ev
- namespaces / ns
- nodes / no
- persistentvolumeclaims / pvc
- persistentvolumes / pv
- pods / po
- secrets
- serviceaccounts
- service / svc
- customresourcedefinitions / crds
- deployments / deploy
- statefulsets / sts
- horizontalpodautoscalers / hpa
- cronjobs / cj
- jobs
- ingress / ing
- storageclass / sc
kubectl flags
- For exhaustive flags list refer docs
Options | Description |
--kubeconfig='<CONFIG_PATH>' | Explicit specify the kubeconfig file otherwise will use the default kubeconfig specified in KUEBCONFIG env variable |
--context='<CONTEXT_NAME>' | specify the context to use |
--cluster='<CLUSTER_NAME>' | specify cluster name |
--insecure-skip-tls-verify=false | If true, the server’s certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure |
-v or --v=0 | log level verbose |
-n <NAME_SPACE> | execute the command for the specified NAME_SPACE |